Δοκιμαστική επαναλειτουργία blog

Τρίτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Πως loggάρει ο Kiwi Syslog σε MySQL

Ο Kiwi Syslog Server ειναι ο γνωστότερος και από τους πιο αξιόπιστους syslog servers της αγοράς. Το λογισμικό μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε δωρεάν με τις βασικές του λειτουργιες αλλά μπορείτε και να το αγοράσετε για να έχετε πλήρη πρόσβαση σε όλες τις δυνατότητες του εργαλείου. Μια από αυτές τις δυνατότητες είναι και η καταγραφή των logs σε MySQL. Εμείς, το δοκιμάσαμε σε ενα Windows 2003 Server με MySQL 5.0.67 και δούλεψε αμέσως, σύμφωνα με το manual που βρήκαμε στην ιστοσελιδα της εφαρμογής http://www.kiwisyslog.com, και το οποίο σας παραθέτουμε

HOW TO: Log to a MySQL database using V8.3.2 and above

This article only applies if you are using Kiwi Syslog Server v8.3.2 or higher.

Earlier version users should click here for the information they require.

In order to set up Kiwi Syslog Server to log to a MySQL database you will need to follow the steps below...

Open the setup page by using the File > Setup menu option.

Setup menu option
For the sake of this exercise we will assume that you are creating a Log to Database action in the default Rule.

Right click on the Actions section and select "Add action"

Add a new action
Select the Log to Database action type...

Choose Log to Database action type
MySQL does not come with any decent free OLE DB drivers so for this exercise we will use an ODBC connector that is available from the MySQL website.

In this instance we are using the ODBC 5.1 Connector. You will need to download and install this on your system before proceeding further with this article.

As we are using ODBC the easiest way to set up the connection string is to define a System DSN using the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

You achieve this by clicking the ODBC Control Panel button...

Open the ODBC Data Source Adminstrator

...then selecting the System DSN tab and clicking the Add button...

Add a new System DSN

You will be presented with a list of installed drivers. Choose the MySQL driver that you have installed.

Choose your driver

You should now be presented with the MySQL Data Source configuration page.

Enter the required parameters such as data source name, server, user and password then choose the database from the drop down.

Use the Test button and you should see a message box similar to the one below if you have configured things correctly.

MySQL data source configuration
Once complete press the OK button to save the details.

You need to now choose this new System DSN from the ODBC Data Source Administrator...

Choose the MySQL System DSN

Now that you have setup the DSN you need to specify this for the Data link connection string.

Intialise the creation of the connection string by pressing the browse button...

Create data link connection string

From the Connection tab choose the data source name from the drop down.

As you have already set up all the properties for this connection you simply need to click the OK button to save the connection string and return to the Kiwi Syslog Server Log to Database action.

Choose the data source name

You will then need to insure that you have selected the correct database type/field format...

Choose database type/field format

Once you have selected the Kiwi MySQL format you are ready to create the table that you intend to log the data to.

Press the Create table button to initiate this process...

Create MySQL database table

You should see a message like the following if the table was created successfully...

MySQL database table created successfully

If you like you can also rename this action to something more meaningful by right clicking on the action...

Rename MySQL Log to database action
... then typing the desired description...

MySQL log to database action renamed

Process complete...

Kiwi Syslog Server should now be logging to your MySQL database.

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